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World Languages

Completion of a minimum of three levels of the same world language is required for all students for graduation from DeMatha Catholic High School. (Two years are required for students taking Spanish 1, Part 1 and Spanish 1, Part 2.) This course of study affords students the time needed to thoroughly develop their language skills.

Although many colleges, universities and institutions of higher education with more competitive entrance standards look more favorably on students with three years of a foreign language, four years or more of language study are recommended for students with the appropriate verbal skills.

In addition, students are expected to continue Level 1 language study until it is passed with at least a "C" average before moving on to Level 2 (see individual course descriptions).

Placement in one of the three programs offered is determined by the following guidelines:

  • Honors: A minimum "B" average in English and verbal standardized test scores in the 75th percentile or above.
  • Regular: A minimum "C" average in English and verbal standardized test scores in the 50th percentile or above.
  • Other: Any student falling below the aforementioned minimum requirements will take Introduction to Spanish and Studies in Spanish 2.

Foreign Languages Taught at DeMatha

  • French
  • German
  • Greek
  • Latin
  • Spanish
  • Mandarin

Please note that these are only guidelines and that placement in a particular program is made based on a student's individual record at the discretion of the Counseling Center, the department chair, and/or appropriate teachers. In addition, no student transfers from one level to another will be allowed after the end of the first quarter.

With all of this in mind, the World Languages Department offers the student an opportunity to acquire the tools with which he might communicate with other peoples and other cultures.

In addition to learning to understand, speak, read and write a foreign language, the student will learn to appreciate the cultural differences and recognize the similarities which all people share, as well as develop a sense of social concern and a broader understanding of our global community.

Chair of the World Languages Department

Paul Davies

World Languages Chair