Social Studies
The Social Studies program can be divided into two components. The first is to devise a course of studies that gives our college bound students the skills they will need to succeed in college.
The other component is more difficult.
The faculty hopes to instill in our students a life-long appreciation for, and enjoyment of, the many disciplines within the Social Studies curriculum. We would like our graduates to interact with their world and society in a thoughtful and empathetic manner. In order to achieve such lofty goals the following approach is used.
To help our students succeed in college great emphasis is placed on skill development. Basic skills such as reading, outlining, organization of materials and some research skills are taught. In various degrees throughout the curriculum critical thinking skills, attitude formation, decision-making and values education are stressed
In most courses the primary teaching technique utilized is the lecture/discussion method. Other techniques such as role-playing, problem-solving, simulation games, group discussions, films, research projects, professional speakers, and field trips are also employed to stimulate interest and encourage more student participation.
The use of these methods depends on the course content and the ability level of the students. To insure that the abilities and the interests of the students are met, careful attention is given to the selection of teaching topics as well as the materials that are chosen.
All students are required to obtain a minimum of three credits in Social Studies. The required courses are World History, United States History, and Government. To satisfy the interests of the students several electives are available for sophomores, juniors and seniors.